
School Garden

On May 15, the starting signal for the school garden was given. A proposal for the creation of a school garden was presented to the MAGIF board by the school's coordinator. The proposal was accepted and realized with great energy and enthusiasm by the children and the supervisors. The project is mainly about teaching the teenagers how to grow their food. The children are currently learning how to grow cabbage, kohlrabi, okra, potatoes, vegetables and more. The plants are currently on nursery and are in the process of being planted out. There are 15 youth actively participating in the program. Apparently they all have green thumbs, because it is growing and thriving much to the delight of all involved.

School lunch

The children who attend our school receive a balanced hot meal every day. This is very important for the children, because it gives them energy to actively participate in class.

School life

The school is a lively place. The children practice their practical and social skills in many activities. When learning to read, when creating together, when working intensively on a piece of work or in contact with the caregiver; the educational and cognitive content is taken up by the children with great interest and curiosity.

Recreation weekend

On April 30, ten of the students sponsored by the NGO "From Sreet to School" and three of the girls from the MAGIF Center participated in a weekend camp sponsored by "From Sreet to School". The camp served to teach skillsin tie-dye and various techniques for making jewelry and clothing. The camp was held on the grounds of the Catholic Crab in Buradsville, Montserrado. The children enjoyed the camp, it helps them interact with other children from different parts of Montserrado County and learn some new skills that will benefit MAGIF Community School.


The children in the MAGIF Community School receive qualified instruction. They are strengthened in their cognitive, social and emotional skills and receive a solid, comprehensive primary education.

However, there is one fact that contradicts the concept of the institution: The inadequate equipment and the limited space of the rented building in which the children are taught.

For this reason, Liberia e.V. has been seeking financial support for the construction of a new school building. This has finally been achieved. Mrs. Gieraths-Nimene has found a generous donor in the aid organisation Fly&Help.

Now the new building could be started. The foundation walls are already standing. A house with four classrooms, an office and sanitary facilities is being built.


The MAGF Community School is very busy:

The tailoring class is in full swing. Welthungerhilfe has provided further sewing machines.

The food supplement with eggs, fruits and manioc is well received by the children and they enjoy their food.

The social behaviour of the children develops very positively due to the orientation by the employees. The children are friendly with each other and support each other. The school performance of the children also increases. This shows that the employees' strategies and methods are proving their worth.

In spring 2019, workshops were organised and carried out for the preschool children and the older pupils.

In March, the children of the MAGIF Community School and the sponsored students attended a workshop initiated by Mrs. Jaeger, the wife of the German ambassador, entitled "Conservation of the natural animals of Liberia". The program was conducted at the MAGIF Center and organized by the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) to raise awareness of how citizens can protect animals within Liberia's borders.

Also in March there was a workshop organised by Orphan Relief and Rescue. The aim of this training workshop is to raise awareness of abuse and to communicate four main messages to the students: "I am important", "My body belongs to me". "I have a right to safety" and "I can get help". The program was attended by our sponsored students, some of the older students of Group III (7-13), some members of MAGIF Community Youth and the MAGIF Community School team.

The children's learning successes are evaluated monthly. This shows that their understanding of the tasks increases and that they can follow the lessons better and better.

MAGIF Community School has relaunched its youth program. Even before the Ebola epidemic, the institution had a well-organized youth program. In order to restore this for the youth of Zubah Town, the institution has reorganized the program with 50 youth participating in the program. The programme aims to offer a social, emotional and ethical education based on sports activities for young people.