The association Liberia - Help for Self-Help - based in Essen (Vereinsregister VR 5287 Amtsgericht Essen) supports the work of Margret Gieraths-Nimene, who has been living and working in Liberia for over 30 years.
Our help in 2017/2018 is as follows:
Financing of the salaries and rent of the GERLIB COMMUNITY CENTER, where 65 children will be looked after and taught in the school year 2017/2018.
Support for 28 children who previously attended the GERLIB COMMUNITY CENTER but are now in regular school.
Subsidy for the MAGIF orphanage, which provides a home for up to 25 girls whose parents died of EBOLA.
YOU can also support them:
Become a member of the association Liberia e.V. - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe - 80 € per year, reduced 40 €.
Voluntary work in the association (public relations)
Project or personal donations, e.g. school fees for one school year per child amount to 180 € (this includes school uniform, books, other necessary things for school attendance and a pair of shoes).
General promotion through money donations
Bank details: Sparkasse Essen - IBAN DE41 3605 0105 0000 2205 09 - BIC SPESDE3EXXX
For amounts of the financial support starting from 200 € a donation receipt is issued by the association "Liberia e.V.". Please clearly state the name and address of the donor on the bank transfer.
Up to 200 € the transfer order of your bank is valid as a donation receipt.